Cold Forming
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BONDERITE S-AD 0981 JC23KG IDH 2587634 BONDERITE S-AD 0981 is a liquid product used as corrosion inhibitor in sulphuric acid pickling cycles. It has an efficiency of more than 96%. Request Form
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BONDERITE S-AD 50 JC23 WENS+ IDH 2575655 BONDERITE® S-AD 50 (known as RODINE 50) is a non-foaming, liquid industrial cleaner/inhibitor. It has a strong inhibiting effect and insignificantly prolongs the pickling time. It inhibits the attack of hydrochloric acid on ferrous materials and is especially used prior to electroplating or phosphating. The inhibitor is also suited for aluminum in cold pickling solutions of hydrochloric acid. Request Form
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BONDERITE S-AD 31A JC33WS+RU+GR IDH 28937 BONDERITE® S-AD 31A is a brownish, chloride-free liquid inhibitor for phosphoric, sulphuric, sulphamic, acetic, oxalic, formic and citric acids, bisulphate solution, mixtures of these acids and conditionally for hydrochloric acid. It protects steel, brass and copper against the attack of the pickling agents mentioned above. It is used in industrial immersion processes and is particularly suitable for pickling / derusting operations. Request Form
BONDERITE M-AC 50 TH SA25KG TR IDH 164240 BONDERITE® M-AC 50 (FIXODINE 50) is a powdered metal pre-treatment activator added to a rinsing bath prior to a dip or spray phosphate treatment. It is also possible to use the product in coil lines. It is effective in producing uniform, fine crystalline phosphate coatings on iron, steel, aluminum and zinc surfaces. The product is suitable to a limited extent for use in hard water. Please note: BONDERITE M products are used in the surface modification of metals and usually applied in a multi-stage process. The performance of these surface treatments depends on various factors such as the preceding cleaning or etching steps (BONDERITE C portfolio), line design or process parameters. Request Form
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BONDERITE L-FM T 1124 is a powder soluble soap designed as lubricant for severe cold forming operations of steel parts, which have been previously treated in phosphate conversion cycles. BONDERITE L-FM T 1124 reacts with the zinc phosphate layer producing a thin even and adhesive layer that solidifies at room temperature.

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BONDERITE L-FM T 5 is a reactive lubricant used for cold forming operations of steel parts, which have been previously treated in phosphate conversion cycles: the lubricating coating results from the reaction of the Zinc phosphate coating with the reactive soap. BONDERITE L-FM T 5 can be partly used also for forming operations of non ferrous metals like aluminium, copper and brass.

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BONDERITE S-AD 50 JC30KGRSE IDH 1015180 BONDERITE® S-AD 50 (known as RODINE 50) is a non-foaming, liquid industrial cleaner/inhibitor. It has a strong inhibiting effect and insignificantly prolongs the pickling time. It inhibits the attack of hydrochloric acid on ferrous materials and is especially used prior to electroplating or phosphating. The inhibitor is also suited for aluminum in cold pickling solutions of hydrochloric acid. Request Form
BONDERITE S-AD 0981 IDH 1326268 BONDERITE S-AD 0981 is a liquid product used as corrosion inhibitor in sulphuric acid pickling cycles. It has an efficiency of more than 96%. Request Form
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BONDERITE L-FM FL 735 is a liquid water-based non-reactive lubricant with a white colour.The product belongs to an innovative surface treatment technology for cold forming processes of carbon steel, stainless steel and non ferrous metals.

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